Women's Ministries

Always pray for our children.


Colossians 4:2 “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”



Our Father in Heaven, I exalt you O Lord, for You are above all Gods – Almighty Father, Creator of all things.  There is none like You.  Thank You for Your love, kindness and graciousness to me. Thank you, Father, for giving your Son as an atonement for my sins. Thank You for the Blood of Jesus that sets us free.  Praise your Holy and Righteous name.   I pray for families – husbands & wives, sons & daughters, grandchildren, sisters & brothers, nieces & nephews, aunts & uncles, cousins & in-laws; I pray for our church families, pastors & church leaders; Lord, do remember my friends, neighbors, all people & leaders of every nation.  Hear my cry of distress, heartbreak & concern for us all.   Father, I need You.  We all need you.  Reach down your Almighty Powerful Hand to us and give forgiveness of sin, healing of personal relationships, healing of racial relationships, justice in the earth, peace & unity with You and with one another, hope, health & strength to carry on day by day. I don’t know what lies ahead, except that in Christ Jesus the victory is won. Give me faith to trust and understand your plan as each day unfolds and brings us closer to Your return. Until then, help me to be obedient to your will and to tell others about You and the salvation that you freely give to all.  As I await your soon return, I pray that you preserve me and keep all of your children under your Almighty wing of safety through the storms of this life.  In Jesus name I pray.  Amen